About Us

what are honeybees

15 Beekeeping rules


Honeybees are an integral part of the pollination game for agricultural production worldwide.  Although our European Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are not native to North America, they still play a vital role in pollination of food producing vegetation.

I became a beekeeper both from a desire to help proliferate these social insects as well as to re-engage as a part of my family heritage.  My great-grandfather was a beekeeper.  I feel like I am carrying on the heritage of the McGaha clan by doing my part working with my honeybees.

"Bright as a sunflower."
Keith Stiles Inspecting a Hive
Keith inspecting one of his colonies.

Successful beekeepers take the time to learn.  Learning comes in the form of reading, working with a mentor beekeeper, joining both a local and state beekeeping club, and paying attention to what your hives are telling you.  There is nothing better than observation to tell you when you have looming issues in your bee colonies.

An important aspect of managing an apiary of honeybees is monitoring your colonies through ongoing hive inspections and paying attention to your observations of what the bees are telling you.  If you carefully observe your colonies, how they are reacting and doing in the colony will inform your decisions of what you need to be doing as their keeper.

our team of experts

Meet our passionate team of beekeepers.

Beekeeper and Owner

Keith Stiles

Keith has been beekeeping since the spring of 2017. He started with two nucleus colonies and because of early spring buildup had to split one of those colonies and establish a third colony. Currently, the apiary consists of 8 colonies of honeybees and one nucleus colony. Keith is a Journeyman Beekeeper on his way to becoming a Master Beekeeper as part of the NCSBA's Master Beekeeper Program. His interests include queen rearing and honey production.